Hair-Blending Two Pack: Black

A hair-blending two pack of Zazzybandz includes two (2) headbands of the same colour: one in original fit and one in slim relaxed fit.
Zazzy Bandz fit like sunglasses. This patented design provides volume and style without the headache.
Original Fit fits most head/hair types. With especially voluminous or thick hair or a larger head, try the Slim Relaxed Fit for a looser band that will better accommodate you. By nature, both of these sizes do not fit as tightly as a traditional headband. The dimensions of the two headband sizes are the same.
How to wear your Zazzy Bandz:
• Place the ZB above your ears or near your temples and slide into place.
• Pull your bangs up and place the ZB from the top of your head.
• Flip the ZB in either direction to get the fit, feel, and look you like.
• Try the Slim Relaxed Fit ZB with the feet going backwards.
• The patented curves at the top of your ZB aid in additional volume.